And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
Genesis 1:3,4
Welcome to
Genesis One: Rest and Healing!
This special place features EESystem technology and is now open for
Lubbock and the vast surrounding area
Call 806-544-2180 and schedule your session(s) We look forward to seeing YOU!

We are beyond thrilled to be opening Genesis One: Rest and Healing in Lubbock, Texas featuring the Energy Enhancement System technology and are an affiliate of the Unifyd Healing Network. The benefits of the EESystem are for anyone of any age to experience and enjoy. Many are already aware of the beneficial properties of scalar, light and color energy and what it means for living cells. We have been learning more and more about the miraculous self-healing qualities of our body that our Creator set in motion in His design, along with what is beneficial for optimal energy and healing.
Our modern environment is saturated with pollution we can’t see, Cell towers, cell phones, computers, EMF’s, radio waves, TV signals, low frequency music, wifi, etc. These harmful frequencies bombard the electrical functions of living cells almost constantly. In the optimal scalar frequency, photon and color environment brought about in a room equipped with the EESystems, the harmful frequencies are nullified and the beneficial frequency is established. There is much research cited on the EESystems website for you to learn more. We look forward to everyone in our area, state, nation and the world having the opportunity to experience this and we love hearing the stories!